689-248-4820 hello@deannalgiron.com

Unlocking Success Through Mindset Shifts

3 Barriers to Success…


Women in an office in a chair waving her arms mouthing wait what in a surprised manner.3. Limited Network and Support System

Ok so many of us laughed when she said this.

“Your support system is not your family and friends most often.” Okay, how many of us have shared our dreams with family members or friends and they thought you were crazy? ✋🏽 I am a part of this club. Now some people have awesome families that are super supportive and will do whatever it takes to help them make their dreams happen. But many of us have doubters in our close networks. They really do mean well and they think they are helping us to be realistic because they want us to succeed, but they don’t believe in the way we were created to succeed. I must say, this is not their fault. Your gift and vision were given to you and not them.

I heard this analogy that may help you get some perspective. You are a giraffe and your family member/friend is a turtle. When you get to a raised curb, you can clearly see over the curb but the turtle only sees a barrier. Sometimes we have turtles in our lives and it is best to keep things to ourselves.

We all laughed when she made us say this out loud.

My family is not required to support me!”


Look for and network with people who are on the same path as you. This can make a world of difference in how you progress and most importantly gives you the support you need. Our families may be awesome, but if they don’t see your dream or believe in it, don’t let that discourage you from fulfilling your purpose. I am a part of a collective filled with women who are also building businesses. We met almost two years ago through a business course and we have been meeting consistently twice a month. These ladies are Ahmazing and I don’t know what I would do without them. This roller coaster ride is not for the faint at heart, but it is definitely easier with friends. Sometimes the people closest to me don’t get it, but they do and it makes all the difference.

✅ Action Items

  1. Take time to think about and write down what you really want to do as a musician. What is your end game? Then start with the end in mind and go backwards so you know where you need to start. And start with just one thing!
  2. Do a self-examination and think about how you really feel about success and failure. Once you own that and recognize your true feelings, then you can begin the work of changing that perspective so you can move forward with confidence.
  3. Say this out loud every day or multiple times a day! “My family is not required to support me!”

If you want to learn more about how you can unlock your success through mindset shifts, check out Nicole Denise’s website HERE

And if you want to stay in touch with me, sign up for my weekly business-building emails HERE



Deanna 🙂


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Ballroom on the Lake

New wedding and event venue in Seminole County, Florida. Just east of Orlando, near the University of Central Florida.

Unveiling Ballroom on the Lake in Geneva: Where Dreams Meet Elegance

Welcome to Ballroom on the Lake in Geneva, a brand-new wedding and event venue, nestled in the serene beauty of Seminole County. It boasts stunning views, elegant decor, and two passionate owners, Phyllis and Rick. This venue is a perfect choice for weddings and events in the Orlando area and Seminole County. I had the pleasure of spending some time with Phyllis and Rick at Ballroom on the Lake and I uncovered their charming story for opening an event space in Geneva. If you have never heard of Geneva, it is a beautiful little town just outside the city of Oviedo, Florida. Never heard of Oviedo??? Well, Oviedo is just past the border of the University of Central Florida (Go KNIGHTS!) in Orlando.

The Venue’s Story and Vision:

Step into the world of Ballroom on the Lake, where a dream took root during weekend strolls through wooded bliss. Phyllis and Rick transformed eight acres into a haven of elegance and convenience, blending nature’s charm with impeccable design. Every weekend Phyllis and Rick would walk through the woods to look at the water. One day Phyllis said “This is nuts! Let’s just take down a tree every weekend.” Rick was not convinced, so he did some research to find out how much it would cost to clear the land. Let’s just say it was a pretty penny and they both decided to clear the land themselves.

Phyllis and Rick rented a tractor and met Ron Hawk, who owned a skid steer, and the three of them cleared the entire area over three years! After the area was cleared, Phyllis and Rick noticed the hill on the property. Instead of building a house on the water where it would block the view, they decided to build on the hill so everyone could enjoy the beautiful lake scenery. Being ballroom dancers, they thought “We could put a house on the bottom and put a space on top and we can rent it as a venue and make some money in our retirement.” And the Ballroom on the Lake was born!

Unique Features and Services:

This beautiful wedding and event venue has a beautiful, peaceful charm. The wide-open spaces, state-of-the-art amenities, and inclusive packages make it a great choice for your next event. Everything is elegant and gorgeous, a perfect backdrop for a wedding, private party or corporate event. You can choose from the beautiful ballroom, the large porch, and plenty of beautiful outdoor spaces.

The ballroom space is completely open, so no polls in the middle of the room. It also contains a DJ area and two 100-inch TVs that can display your slide show or business presentation. The sound system is absolutely amazing! I had the pleasure of singing in the ballroom twice and the sound system is phenomenal. Another unique feature that I loved was the video/Photography loft. On the second floor, there is a loft where your photographer or videographer can set up to capture your guests as they enter. Or you can capture a beautiful overhead view of the entire ballroom, it really is magical.

Special Feature: Kitchen

Just off the ballroom is a gorgeous kitchen. The caterers can access the kitchen, but you can also host a wonderful breakfast or brunch as well. There is plenty of space and the table can also serve as a server table. The elegant design and layout of the kitchen will be a perfect place for the family to gather before the big event or for your host team to meet and get ready for the festivities.

Community Engagement and Future Vision:

Phyllis and Rick have been supporting the local community since the opening of Ballroom on the Lake. Local churches and schools have used the venue for church events, dances, and awards ceremonies. They were also gracious hosts for the Wedding Venue Map’s networking event last fall. Wedding Venue Map is a local Central Florida wedding vendor organization that vets wedding and event vendors for couples.

The Ballroom is also open to anyone who would love to ballroom dance. Their partnership with Nanette’s Ballroom offers open ballroom dances on the first Sunday of each month. Whether you have experience or you would like to learn, you can join them each month for a fun dance experience.

How to Connect:

If you are interested in booking this beautiful venue, Phyllis and Rick have partnered with Traditions Event Services. You can find out more information on their website HERE. You can also contact Phyllis and Rick directly at BallroomOnTheLake@gmail.com or call (407) 720-6189

At Ballroom on the Lake, dreams come to life against a backdrop of natural splendor and thoughtful design. Whether it’s a wedding, corporate event, or a cherished celebration, this hidden treasure promises an experience that’s as enchanting as the surrounding landscape. Give Phyllis and Rick a call to schedule your tour!



Deanna 🙂



If you are planning a wedding don’t miss this blog post on the Hottest Wedding Trends for 2024!

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Notes from The Florida Songwriters Association Conference

You’re Attending a Songwriter’s Conference and You’re Not a Songwriter? 🤪

How did that happen?

What had happened was, LOL! My good friend, neighbor, and podcast co-host Brad, is a local singer-songwriter in the Orlando area. During one of our recording sessions, he mentioned the Florida Songwriters Association Conference and said it would be great for me as a performing vocalist and pianist to network with the people who attended the conference. I am all about networking because if you don’t know, that is the key to this industry as well as being talented. To be honest, I was on the fence because I had quite a few performances that week, AND I had one scheduled in the middle of the conference. I decided to bite the bullet just a few days before and I went ahead and purchased my ticket.

I was glad my friend would be with me because although networking is key and I know I should do it, as an introvert it can be pretty daunting. Well, I packed up my equipment and made the voyage across town to the event. You know sometimes as a performing vocalist and pianist you end up attending events a little overdressed! And that was totally the case, but it wasn’t the first time and it definitely won’t be the last.

My friend and I arrived early and we picked out a couple of prime seats in the center near the stage. I met a wonderful vocalist and musician who was a songwriter and we discussed our mutual acquaintances. This made me feel a little more comfortable because I felt as though I was out of my element.  Soon after, I met the Executive Director but I had no clue who he was. He was very down-to-earth, hands-on, and welcoming. He shared his contact information with me and I reached out to him later that evening and set up a Zoom meeting for the following week. Networking tip: engage with your new contacts as soon as possible, don’t wait to reach out to them. They may forget you or worse, you may forget them!

Who Attended:

Host of the Florida Song Writers Association Conference at the podium
The Host for the day- Meka

There were many singer-songwriters in the audience as well as DJs, teachers from Fullsail, and people in the industry. I felt a little out of place because I was not any of those things but just a “performing vocalist and pianist”. You see when you end up in situations out of your comfort zone, you just have to roll with it and have a perspective of “What can I learn from this experience? How can I grow?” With that perspective I sat and listened to the speakers. I did have to hop out of the conference halfway through because I had a gig, but I returned after I was done. I could have left midway and just gone home after my gig, but I felt as though I was meant to be there.

The Speakers:

One of my favorite speakers was from the Mechanical Licensing Collective. His presentation and handout were phenomenal! There are many artists out there who don’t know they have royalties because of a bill passed in 2019! They literally have thousands of dollars waiting for them and they have no clue. Because most music on streaming platforms were backed by music companies, those artists received their royalties. However, during the big boom of Indie artists uploading their own songs, there was no way to find them until now! Some of the stories he shared were amazing and very inspiring. If you have music on streaming platforms, be sure to check out the MLC right HERE to register. You can find out if you have royalties coming to you! As a performing vocalist and pianist, I have gone into the studio multiple times. If my name is listed on a track (which it should be) then I could also receive royalties. I would register anyway, you never know!

The second group of speakers was all the way from Germany. Technology is so amazing! Two representatives from a publishing company all the way in Germany took the time to speak at the Florida Songwriters Association Conference. They were so gracious. It was around 2:00 am their time and they stayed up late to impart their wisdom. I learned that Germans prefer to hear songs in English, who knew! This particular publishing company really wants to partner with female score composers. So ladies if you are a score composer, you may want to look into the European market. Children’s music was another popular genre needed in Germany.

Florida Songwriters Association Conference Takeaways:

  • Don’t be afraid to step into rooms that may seem a little intimidating for you. You never know who you will meet or who could be your next partner on a new project. The more I learn and network, the more I realize that partnerships and relationships are key. I am so thankful that Brad invited me along for the ride, I would have never thought to go on my own.
  • If you have ever gone into a studio and recorded music, register with the MLC just in case you have royalties laying around!
  • Don’t be afraid to look outside the American market for opportunities. We all have to explore and find the right market for our music. It may be here in the States, or in a different country, but everyone has a place.

~ Deanna



Vintage Music, Modern Elegance

Deanna provides a range of elegant and tailored musical experiences, blending vintage jazz, Broadway classics, pop, and classical piano. From intimate performances to sound healing sessions, Deanna creates unforgettable moments for weddings, corporate events, private gatherings, and senior living communities. With a focus on interaction and personalization, her services are designed to uplift, inspire, and bring a touch of sophistication to every event. Whether you’re seeking entertainment, healing, or a unique musical experience, Deanna is here to bring your vision to life.

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