689-248-4820 hello@deannalgiron.com

Unlocking Success Through Mindset Shifts

3 Barriers to Success…


Women in an office in a chair waving her arms mouthing wait what in a surprised manner.3. Limited Network and Support System

Ok so many of us laughed when she said this.

“Your support system is not your family and friends most often.” Okay, how many of us have shared our dreams with family members or friends and they thought you were crazy? ✋🏽 I am a part of this club. Now some people have awesome families that are super supportive and will do whatever it takes to help them make their dreams happen. But many of us have doubters in our close networks. They really do mean well and they think they are helping us to be realistic because they want us to succeed, but they don’t believe in the way we were created to succeed. I must say, this is not their fault. Your gift and vision were given to you and not them.

I heard this analogy that may help you get some perspective. You are a giraffe and your family member/friend is a turtle. When you get to a raised curb, you can clearly see over the curb but the turtle only sees a barrier. Sometimes we have turtles in our lives and it is best to keep things to ourselves.

We all laughed when she made us say this out loud.

My family is not required to support me!”


Look for and network with people who are on the same path as you. This can make a world of difference in how you progress and most importantly gives you the support you need. Our families may be awesome, but if they don’t see your dream or believe in it, don’t let that discourage you from fulfilling your purpose. I am a part of a collective filled with women who are also building businesses. We met almost two years ago through a business course and we have been meeting consistently twice a month. These ladies are Ahmazing and I don’t know what I would do without them. This roller coaster ride is not for the faint at heart, but it is definitely easier with friends. Sometimes the people closest to me don’t get it, but they do and it makes all the difference.

✅ Action Items

  1. Take time to think about and write down what you really want to do as a musician. What is your end game? Then start with the end in mind and go backwards so you know where you need to start. And start with just one thing!
  2. Do a self-examination and think about how you really feel about success and failure. Once you own that and recognize your true feelings, then you can begin the work of changing that perspective so you can move forward with confidence.
  3. Say this out loud every day or multiple times a day! “My family is not required to support me!”

If you want to learn more about how you can unlock your success through mindset shifts, check out Nicole Denise’s website HERE

And if you want to stay in touch with me, sign up for my weekly business-building emails HERE



Deanna 🙂


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What Music Do I Need for a Wedding Ceremony?


Planning for a wedding can be super stressful and I am sure if you are planning a wedding you can relate! There are so many details to think about that it can be overwhelming, especially, if you are like most people, it is your first time planning planning a wedding.

As a musician, I love performing at weddings and today I am going to share some practical ideas and tips to help you plan the music for your wedding ceremony. 🙂

Prelude Music

When you are busy getting ready to walk down the aisle, your guests begin to arrive. They will mingle with long-lost friends and relatives while choosing a prime seat for the festivities. If your guests don’t know a lot of people, it can be a bit awkward, and no one likes awkward silence. Can you imagine coming into a new space not knowing a lot of people and it is dead silent or you have the privilege of listening in on conversations you wish you never heard? Well here is where your choice of prelude music can set the tone for your day. Instead of awkward silence as your wedding vibe, you can choose a romantic or sentimental vibe to greet your guests. You will typically need to choose between 5 -10 songs to fill a time frame ranging from 20 minutes to 45 minutes.


Processional Music

The procession begins when the family begins the walk down the aisle. This can look different for everyone so the number of songs you choose can vary between 2 – 4 songs. You have the option of choosing a song for each group that walks down the aisle or keep it super simple and choose one song for all of the group and one song for the bride. You also have a chance to make this part of your ceremony unique.

Long, long ago in a time far, far away, my husband, who is a Star Wars fanatic asked if he could walk down the aisle to the Star Wars theme. I being the musician, carefully chose the music at my wedding. My childhood piano teacher (she played the piano and sang for my wedding ceremony) also helped me with music selections because, like most of you, it was my first time planning a wedding. Even as a musician, I had questions and I relied on the advice of my piano teacher to guide me through the process because she had performed at weddings numerous times. We also did not have the luxury of the internet to do research by reading blogs or going on YouTube 🤪 So what does this mean for you? You can use this time in the ceremony to personalize it to your taste and personality.

Unity Ceremony or Special Music

The Unity Ceremony is an option that many couples choose to participate in during their ceremony. Some ceremonies include candles. I lit a unity candle at my wedding and it is now tucked away in my closet 🥰, but I had it on display for a while as a young bride and on occasion, I bring it out to renew that special memory. You can also use sand, plants, and even beer or wine to symbolize the two of you becoming one. During this time, you can choose a special song that plays while during the unity ceremony, just remember that this is typically a short ceremony. You can choose something that will play only during this time and end when you are finished or you can have the music continue and the two of you can listen until the song is finished. If you choose not to do a unity ceremony, you can have a musician play or sing a special song that is meaningful to both of you. Or you can do both options! Choose a song for the unity ceremony and choose another song to highlight your love as a couple or as two families become one.


Okay, let’s bring this home, literally! The Recessional is your awesome and amazing exit as a newly married couple. You have completed your matrimony ceremony, unity ceremony, and anything else you wanted to add and now it is time to celebrate your union go party! The recessional music can be 1 – 2 songs. You will have a special song played or sung as you are announced to your guests and then happily walk down the aisle together. You can either continue with the same song as your bridal party exits or you can choose a different song for your bridal party. The size of the room and the number of guests will determine how many songs are needed for your recessional.

Wedding Music Checklist

And there you have it! You now know all the parts of your wedding ceremony that will need music. You can use this blog for reference to help in your planning, AND you can also download our “Wedding Music Checklist” so you can be sure not to miss a beat (no pun intended LOL!) If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or message me. Having a plan and a guide will help alleviate some of the stress when it comes to choosing music for your special day. I am here for you if you need me. Happy planning!


Deanna 🙂


Download your checklist HERE

Have a question? Leave a comment below or message me at hello@deannalgiron.com

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Exploring Unforgettable Micro Wedding Ideas

Exploring Unforgettable Micro Wedding Ideas

Welcome to the world of micro weddings, where intimacy meets innovation! In this blog, we’ll delve into ten distinctive micro wedding ideas that blend the warmth of a personal celebration with a touch of creativity and sophistication. As someone who cherishes both music and the art of connecting with others, you’ll appreciate how these unique concepts can harmonize seamlessly with your vision as an event musician and singer.

From rooftop serenades to candlelit romances, and even the magic of live streaming, we’ll explore ways to infuse your micro wedding with charm, elegance, and a touch of musical enchantment. Each idea offers a chance to craft a memorable experience that reflects your personality and passion for making every moment special.

Whether you’re planning a vineyard soiree, an outdoor picnic serenade, or a harmonious blend of musical themes, these concepts are designed to resonate deeply with you and your guests. They foster connections, create joyful memories, and ensure that your micro wedding shines as a unique masterpiece.

So, let’s embark on this journey together, as we discover ten extraordinary micro wedding ideas that will not only elevate your special day but also inspire you to blend your musical talents with the magic of these intimate celebrations. Will you embrace this 2024 Wedding Trend? Stay tuned over the next couple of weeks for my 2024 Wedding Trends List!


1. A Memorable Intimate Dinner

Envision a scene where music effortlessly intertwines with the air, and every note played or sung adds a layer of magic to the ambiance around an intimately set reception table. Intimate dinners serve as the heartbeat of your micro wedding celebration, providing you with the precious opportunity to savor every cherished moment and connection with your loved ones.

As you step into this intimate atmosphere, you’ll find music to serenade you through a fusion of culinary excellence and heartfelt connection with you and your guests. Here, the symphony of flavors on your plate isn’t just a meal; it’s a testament to your journey as a couple. Each dish tells a story, not only of your shared love but also of your commitment to making your wedding celebration special and personal.

This exquisite fusion of music and dining becomes more than just a meal; it’s a celebration of your love story in a way that only you and your guest can experience on this intimate level. As your guests enjoy in the enchanting music and delectable tastes, they become part of a cherished memory—one that will forever be etched into your hearts.


2. Elevated Romance: Rooftop Micro Wedding

Picture a wedding ceremony where you and your beloved stand on a rooftop, surrounded by breathtaking views that stretch as far as the eye can see. This rooftop setting, whether in a chic urban metropolis or a tranquil garden oasis, serves as the perfect backdrop for an unforgettable micro wedding ceremony.

The allure of a rooftop micro wedding lies not only in the panoramic views but also in the ambiance it creates. Here, you’ll find a unique blend of romance, elegance, and a touch of modern flair that makes your special day truly exceptional.

In the heart of the city, an elegant urban rooftop provides a contemporary canvas for your love story. Skyscrapers twinkle in the distance, and the city’s energy becomes a part of your celebration. It’s an ode to the vibrant, dynamic love you share.

Alternatively, in a charming garden oasis, nature surrounds you, creating a tranquil setting that resonates with the beauty of your commitment. The gentle rustling of leaves and the fragrance of blooming flowers add a natural serenade to your ceremony, making it an intimate and heartfelt affair.

Adding an event musician or singer, can create an emotional and timeless experience that you and your guests will remember. With the city or the garden as the backdrop with carefully crafted intimate music to compliment the space, your wedding will be unforgettable.

In this setting, your micro wedding becomes more than just a ceremony; it’s a captivating experience that blends the timeless magic of love with the contemporary charm of the location. It’s a testament to your commitment to crafting a wedding day that reflects your unique story and the future you’re about to embark on together.


3. Enchanting Candlelit Romance

Imagine a micro wedding where the venue is bathed in the gentle flicker of candlelight, setting the stage for an evening that’s nothing short of magical. Welcome to the world of candlelit romance, where each soft glow serves as a testament to the intimate celebration of your love.

As you embrace the allure of candlelight, you’ll discover that it has the power to enhance the intimacy of your micro-wedding celebration in ways that are both enchanting and profound. The delicate dance of light against the backdrop of your chosen setting creates an atmosphere that beautifully mirrors the tenderness and passion of your unique love story.

Candlelit romance isn’t just about illumination; it’s about creating an ambiance that wraps you and your guests in an enchanting embrace. The soft, warm glow of each candle adds a layer of intimacy that words alone can’t convey.

Let the flickering candles be your companions in this romantic adventure, as you create memories that will be cherished for a lifetime.


4. Connecting Hearts Across Distances: Live Streaming Your Micro Wedding

Picture a micro wedding where the power of technology bridges not only distances but also hearts. Live streaming is an innovative touch that can transform your micro wedding ceremony into a truly inclusive and heartwarming experience.

With live streaming, you have the opportunity to ensure that your joyous moment is shared with those who may not be able to be physically present. It’s a modern marvel that brings people together in the most meaningful way, allowing them to witness your vows and heartfelt speeches from afar.

Live streaming is a virtual window into your micro wedding, where loved ones, no matter where they are in the world, can be a part of your special day.

The beauty of live streaming lies in its ability to make the micro-wedding size expand beyond physical constraints. It’s a testament to the idea that love knows no boundaries, and technology can be harnessed to bring people closer even when they are miles apart.

Incorporating live streaming into your micro wedding is more than just a nod to the digital age; it’s a gesture of inclusivity and a commitment to ensuring that your love story is shared with all those who hold a special place in your hearts.

As a musician, I must suggest having a professional or knowledgeable amature live stream your ceremony so the sound and music can be heard. If the proper equipment is not used, your guests will not be able to hear your beautiful vows.

So, let the magic of technology be your ally as you embark on this journey to connect hearts across distances, ensuring that your micro wedding is a celebration that truly knows no bounds.


5. Soulful Artistry: Elevating Your Micro Wedding with Intimate Performances

Imagine a micro wedding where the ambiance is enriched by a touch of artistry and soul, creating an experience that’s nothing short of extraordinary. Welcome to the world of intimate performances, a delightful addition to your beautiful wedding reception.

Whether you choose to showcase your own musical talents or extend an invitation to a local musician, these intimate performances have the power to craft an atmosphere of shared joy. Each note played and each verse sung become not just a performance but a heartfelt testament to your love story.

Music can have a profound impact on any occasion. In the intimate setting of your micro wedding, this impact is magnified. It’s an opportunity to curate a musical journey that resonates deeply within your small and cherished gathering.

When the melodies flow and the lyrics speak of love, it’s as if your love story is being retold through music. The emotions that music can evoke are unparalleled, and they add a layer of depth and intimacy to your micro wedding that your guests will carry in their hearts.

The beauty of intimate performances lies in their ability to connect people through the universal language of music. It’s a celebration of love that transcends words, a shared experience that binds your guests together, and a musical serenade that becomes an indelible part of your wedding day.

Whether you decide to take center stage with your talents or invite a local musician to serenade your guests, let the power of intimate performances elevate your micro wedding into a soulful and joy-filled celebration of love.


6. A Feast of Togetherness: The Family-Style Micro Wedding

Envision a micro wedding where the atmosphere is filled with a sense of togetherness and love. One way to infuse your wedding reception with this warm feeling is by opting for a family-style feast. Imagine dining at your favorite restaurant, indulging in delicious dishes that not only nourish the body but also warm the heart.

In this culinary experience, dishes are not just served but shared and passed around. Your guests become an integral part of a delightful journey through flavors and textures, creating a sense of community that is both heartwarming and soul-nourishing. You could serve dishes that are special to each other, or share family recipes between families.

Sharing a meal in this family-style manner fosters a sense of camaraderie among your guests. It’s a reminder that your micro wedding is not just about your love story; it’s a celebration of the love and unity that binds everyone present.

The family-style feast is a reflection of your desire to create a warm and inclusive atmosphere, where everyone feels like a cherished member of your intimate gathering. It’s a testament to the idea that love is not just about the couple at the center of the celebration but also about the bonds that connect us all. After all you are not just marrying one person, you are marrying a family.

The family-style feast will be a symbol of the love and togetherness that define your micro wedding. It’s a celebration that embraces the heartwarming essence of sharing and unity, making your special day truly unforgettable.


7. Vineyard Romance: Elevate Your Micro Wedding in the Heart of Wine Country

Imagine a micro wedding that transcends the ordinary and transports you into the enchanting world of a vineyard. Here, elegance and passion converge to create an unforgettable experience. Amidst sprawling vines and lush landscapes, you and your loved ones gather for an exquisite soiree, indulging in the finest wines and savoring breathtaking vistas.

The fusion of love and wine sets the stage for an ambiance that is both intoxicating and captivating. As you and your guests savor the beauty of the moment and the taste of the finest grapes, you’ll find that this micro wedding is a celebration of the senses.

In the heart of the vineyard, your micro wedding takes on a new dimension. The melodies of music, intertwined with the natural sounds of the surroundings, create a symphony that resonates with the essence of the vineyard.

This setting is more than just a location; it’s an experience that engages not only your taste buds but also your soul. The rolling vineyards and picturesque landscapes provide a backdrop that’s as captivating as your love story, and the fine wines you indulge in add a layer of elegance to the occasion.

Your vineyard soiree becomes a celebration that combines the timeless allure of romance with the intoxicating allure of wine. It’s a testament to your love’s maturity, just like the finest grapes used to craft the wines you savor.

This vineyard experience will  be a symbol of the passion, elegance, and beauty that define your micro wedding. It’s a special moment that will be etched in your memories, a fusion of love and wine that creates an ambiance like no other.


8. Crafting a Unique Micro Wedding: The Magic of Themed Celebrations

Imagine a micro wedding that is more than just an event; it’s a journey through a world that resonates deeply with your story. This is the essence of themed celebrations—an opportunity to infuse your micro wedding with a theme that speaks to your heart. Whether it’s inspired by a vintage era, a beloved movie, or a shared passion, this themed celebration becomes a canvas where your personality shines.

In the world of themed micro weddings, every detail, from décor to attire, plays a crucial role in telling your story. Each element carries the essence of your chosen theme, resulting in a micro wedding that’s as unique and special as your love story itself.

Themed celebrations can allow your musician(s) to extend this storytelling to every aspect of your micro wedding. The melodies created become a soundtrack that guides your guests through the enchanting world you’ve crafted.

In this setting, your micro wedding is more than just a celebration of love; it’s a celebration of your shared interests, your favorite memories, and the unique journey that has brought you together. It’s a tribute to your personalities and a reflection of the connection that binds you as a couple.

So, whether you choose to step back in time to a vintage era, immerse yourselves in the magic of a beloved movie, or celebrate a shared passion, your themed micro wedding will be a testament to the extraordinary love story you share. It’s a canvas where your personalities shine, and your journey is celebrated in a way that is truly unique and special.


9. Nature’s Embrace: An Outdoor Picnic Micro Wedding

Envision  a micro wedding where the beauty of nature takes center stage, and the simple joys of an outdoor picnic become the heart of your celebration. Picture a charming scene adorned with cozy blankets, an array of delectable treats, and the vast open sky above, inviting you and your guests to immerse yourselves in the beauty of the outdoors.

As you dine amidst this natural wonderland, laughter mingles with the gentle rustling of leaves, creating an atmosphere that’s heartwarming, delightful, and incredibly intimate.

In the world of outdoor picnic micro weddings, simplicity becomes the epitome of elegance. The setting is a reflection of your love for nature, and it offers a unique opportunity to connect with your guests on a personal level.

Imagine  music, whether played under the open sky or amongst the rustling leaves, adding a layer of emotion to this already enchanting setting. It’s as if those melodies are carried by the breeze, becoming a part of the natural symphony that surrounds you.

This micro wedding experience is more than just an event; it’s a celebration of the beauty of the world around us. It’s a testament to your appreciation for the simple pleasures in life and your commitment to crafting a wedding day that is both down-to-earth and deeply meaningful.

So, as you bask in the joy of nature’s embrace, let your outdoor picnic micro wedding be a celebration of love that is intimate, heartwarming, and unforgettable. It’s a reminder that the most beautiful moments in life often come from the simplest of pleasures.

10. Joyful Play: Elevating Your Micro Wedding with Lawn Games

Picture a micro wedding where playfulness and camaraderie take center stage, adding a unique dimension to your celebration. This is the charm of incorporating engaging lawn games into your special day. From classics like croquet to the delightful challenge of cornhole, these games have the power to entertain guests of all ages, creating moments of laughter and friendly competition. And you can order personalized lawn games that commemorate the day with your names and wedding day etched onto the game for years of fun.

In the world of micro weddings, lawn games infuse an element of joy that’s both heartwarming and unforgettable. As your guests gather to engage in friendly matches and share hearty laughs, bonds are strengthened, and memories are forged.

On your wedding day it is important to create an atmosphere where guests can connect and celebrate together. Lawn games become an extension of this vision, providing a platform for your guests to interact in a relaxed and playful manner.

In the midst of these festivities, your micro wedding becomes more than just a ceremony; it’s an experience that fosters a sense of togetherness and unity. It’s a celebration where joy becomes the common language, and laughter fills the air.

The beauty of lawn games lies in their ability to bring people of all ages and backgrounds together, transcending any barriers. It’s a celebration of love that extends beyond the couple at the center of the event to include everyone present.

As you infuse playfulness and camaraderie into your micro wedding with these engaging lawn games, let your celebration be a testament to the joy of togetherness. It’s an element that adds a unique and heartwarming dimension to your special day, ensuring that your micro wedding is a memorable and joyful experience for all.


In Closing: Crafting Your Unforgettable Micro Wedding

As we wrap up this journey through 10 unique micro wedding ideas, it’s clear that the magic of a micro wedding lies in its ability to be deeply personal and wonderfully intimate. These ideas are more than just concepts; they are gateways to crafting an unforgettable celebration that reflects your unique love story.

Whether you’re drawn to the romantic allure of a candlelit serenade, the playful camaraderie of lawn games, or the timeless charm of a themed celebration, each idea brings its own special touch to your micro wedding canvas.

As an event musician, and someone passionate about creating memorable moments, I understand that it’s the details that make an event truly exceptional. The choices you make, from the setting to the entertainment, are all part of the tapestry that weaves your love story.

In the world of micro weddings, the possibilities are endless, and the intimacy is palpable. It’s a reminder that love knows no boundaries, and the most beautiful moments often come from the simplest of pleasures.

So, as you embark on your micro wedding journey, let your heart guide you, and let your love story shine through every choice you make. Whether you choose a rooftop serenade or an outdoor picnic, a family-style feast or an intimate performance, remember that your micro wedding is a celebration of your love, your unity, and your unique journey together.

May your micro wedding be a memory that you and your loved ones cherish forever—a testament to the power of love and the beauty of intimate celebrations.

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Creating the Ideal Wedding Atmosphere: Tips for a Memorable Celebration

Creating the Ideal Wedding Atmosphere: Tips for a Memorable Celebration


Are you looking for ways to create a special and unforgettable wedding experience for you and your guests? The planning of a wedding involves just as much time, energy, and attention to detail as the event itself. Fortunately, with a little forethought, preparing the ideal atmosphere can be an enjoyable journey.

From elegant décor and thoughtful designs to meaningful touches that personalize your affair– this article will provide insights on creating the perfect setting to make lasting memories on your special day!

Put Together a Music Playlist that Fits the Theme

Your wedding day is one of the most special days in your life, and every detail should be perfect. Music is one of the most important aspects of any wedding, creating the perfect atmosphere that reflects your and your partner’s personality and tastes. That’s why putting together a music playlist that fits the theme of your wedding is essential.

Whether you’re going for a timeless romantic feel or a fun and upbeat atmosphere, choosing the right songs that will keep your guests dancing all night long is key. With so many great songs to choose from, curating a personalized playlist that reflects your love story will help make your special day unforgettable.

You can even find bands or DJs that specialize in wedding music to guarantee your reception is one your guests will remember. Keep in mind that, when you hire for your wedding day entertainment, it is important to pick someone who understands your vision and can help you bring it to life. Plus, you can always check with your venue to ensure that the entertainment fits within their guidelines and requirements.

Designate Specific Areas for Dancing, Eating, and Mingling

Creating a designated area for each activity in a space can completely transform the atmosphere of an event. By setting clearly defined spaces for dancing, eating, and mingling, guests are more likely to feel comfortable and at ease.

The designated dancing area can be equipped with a playlist tailored to the event and can provide ample space for guests to dance without fear of getting in the way of those enjoying a meal or conversation. The eating area can be adorned with tables dressed in elegant linens and mood lighting, perfect for a formal affair.

Lastly, the mingling area can be furnished with cozy seating arrangements and low tables for guests to kick back and socialize. Your wedding decorations can be customized to match the mood of your venue. For example, if you’re hosting a rustic-themed wedding in a barn, hanging pendants or fairy lights from the rafters will add a warm and inviting touch.

Incorporate Natural Elements

Adding natural elements into the design of your special day will create a relaxing environment that will make your guests feel right at home. Incorporating items such as plants, wood tones, or botanical accents is an easy way to achieve this effect with minimal effort.

Using fresh flowers in centerpieces and bouquets can brighten up a space with their vibrant colors and gorgeous aroma. Adding greenery to the décor can also soften the look of a room, allowing guests to feel surrounded by beauty and serenity.

Utilizing natural materials such as wood or stone in your design scheme can bring a rustic touch to any event that adds warmth and depth. Plus, these elements are versatile enough to work in almost any setting and can be customized for a personalized feel.

So, whether you’re looking to create an atmosphere of enchantment or one of relaxed elegance, incorporating natural elements into your design is sure to help set the perfect mood on your special day!

Use Lighting Fixtures to Set the Mood

The lighting fixtures you incorporate into your wedding day design can help set the mood and add an extra layer of ambiance that will make all the difference. You can choose from a variety of options like chandeliers, string lights, paper lanterns, or even candles to achieve the desired effect.

Using ambient lighting such as twinkling string lights or chandeliers will create a soft and romantic atmosphere. Accent lighting such as paper lanterns or candles can bring a whimsical touch to any setting while adding warmth and a touch of elegance all at the same time.

To sum up, an ideal wedding atmosphere can be achieved through thoughtful planning. Music is essential to setting the tone while decorations can subtly add to the theme of your special day. Lighting fixtures and natural elements will help you create just the right ambiance for a perfect celebration.

Showing appreciation for your guests with personalized favors or small tokens of thanks is also highly recommended as it’ll make everyone feel special. Lastly, adding in scents like essential oils can truly elevate the mood and accentuate those most treasured memories. By following these tips, your wedding will be sure to provide a timeless experience that all will remember for years to come!

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Elevate Your Special Day: Tips to Make Your Event Unforgettable

Are you excited about planning an extraordinary wedding experience that will leave your guests with unforgettable memories? As a singer and pianist, I understand the importance of creating the perfect atmosphere for your special day, and I’m here to help you with some friendly tips to make it truly magical!

First and foremost, let’s talk about the music! Your wedding day is all about celebrating your love story, and the right music can set the tone perfectly. Whether you want a timeless romantic vibe or a fun and upbeat ambiance, curating a personalized playlist that fits your wedding theme is key. It is important to have a professional guide you through the moments throughout the day where music can play a special part.  From the pre-service down to the last dance at the reception. You can also consider hiring bands or DJs who specialize in wedding music to ensure a night of dancing and joy your guests will cherish. Make sure to find someone who understands your vision and can bring it to life. Don’t forget to check with your venue to ensure everything aligns smoothly.

Next, let’s create designated areas for different activities. Having specific spaces for dancing, eating, and mingling will make your guests feel comfortable and at ease. A dance floor with a carefully selected playlist, a beautiful eating area with elegant decorations and lighting, and a cozy mingling spot with comfy seating arrangements and a romantic singer or duo can transform the atmosphere of your event.

Adding natural elements to your wedding design can create a welcoming and relaxing environment. Consider incorporating plants, wood tones, or botanical accents to bring the beauty of nature into your celebration. Fresh flowers and greenery in centerpieces can brighten up the space, while using natural materials like wood or stone can add a rustic touch and a sense of warmth and depth.

Now, let’s talk about lighting! The right lighting fixtures can work wonders in setting the mood for your wedding. Whether you opt for chandeliers, string lights, paper lanterns, or candles, they can add that extra layer of ambiance you’re looking for. Ambient lighting like twinkling string lights or chandeliers can create a soft and romantic feel, while accent lighting with paper lanterns or candles can bring a whimsical touch and elegance to your venue.

In addition to all the design elements, showing appreciation for your guests with personalized favors or small tokens of thanks can make everyone feel special and cherished. And here’s a little tip: consider adding scents like essential oils to elevate the mood and create even more cherished memories.

By putting thought and care into these aspects of your wedding, you’ll be well on your way to creating an ideal atmosphere that your guests will talk about for years to come. So, let’s get started on this wonderful journey of planning the perfect celebration together!

Let the music be the heart of your wedding! Don’t miss our Wedding Music Guide – download it now to ensure an unforgettable experience for you and your guests.



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